Международная деятельность


Presentation of the Department of medical biological physics, informatics and economics


Презентации от Академии на английском языке

Very often, you can hear the opinion that doctors do not need to study physics and mathematics. Maybe you have the same point of view? We hope that by the end of the study of this discipline, and maybe before, you will change your mind!
The object of medical research is the human body. The peculiarity of living systems is their complexity, multi-level inaccessibility or limited direct observation. The famous English scientist, philosopher and physician Thomas Young wrote: "There is no science of complexity surpassing medicine. It goes beyond the human mind." Therefore, in order to understand the causes of a disease, it is necessary to have an idea about the structure of the body or the patterns of processes occurring in it.
The human body is a mysterious, complex mechanism that is able not only to perform physical actions, but also to feel and think. The human body consists of tissues, the basis of tissue is a cell. Why do some tissues have such properties as hardness, while others have plasticity? Why do the properties of tissues change with age? How do we hear, see, why do we react to the action of some stimuli, but not others? How it happens? We hope that you found these questions interesting and in our course you will get answers to them.
The twenty first century is the age of technology. Technologies are present everywhere: in the production of machines, food, medicines, training and medicine. Modern medicine is constantly adding to its arsenal new methods of diagnosis and therapy. These are ultrasonic methods, magnetic resonance imaging, x-ray computed tomography, and others. Specialists working with this equipment should combine knowledge of physics, engineering and medicine. A feature of our course is its focus on issues related to the application of the laws of physics in the analysis and understanding of the processes occurring in the human body. So, in particular, considering the topic of oscillations and waves, we will discuss the phenomenon of resonance and its use in the impact on the body. To understand modern technologies, we will consider the section ionizing radiation. You will be given lectures: X-rays, Radioactivity, Dosimetry.

Рабочие проекты кафедры для приема и обучения иностранных студентов


(на утверждении ЦКМС ИГМА)

Участие кафедры в международных конференциях, семинарах, визитах
В рамках международного сотрудничества c 21 по 24 апреля 2021 года прочитаны лекции студентам Самаркандского Государственного Медицинского Института по теме:

 1. Основные понятия и принципы моделирования

лектор: к.п.н, доцент кафедры, Станкевич Т.Г. 21.04.2021г

 2. Механические свойства и модели биологических тканей

лектор: преподаватель кафедры, Рябчикова М.С.-  22.04.2021г

 3. Гемодинамика

лектор: ст. преподаватель кафедры, Ворсина Е.В. - 23.04.21 г

 Презентация к лекции Презентация к лекции




*changes are possible


Vorsina Ekaterina Viktorovna (Ворсина Екатерина Викторовна)

Stankevich Tatyana Gennadyevna (Станкевич Татьяна Геннадьевна)

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